佛罗里达州因飓风米尔顿而发布强制疏散令,导致高速公路交通拥堵,尤其是在佐治亚州。 Florida issues mandatory evacuations due to Hurricane Milton, causing heavy traffic on highways, particularly in Georgia.
飓风“Milton”导致佛罗里达州官员发布强制疏散令, Hurricane Milton has led Florida officials to issue mandatory evacuations, significantly increasing traffic congestion on highways. 在佐治亚州,I -75的交通流量 上升了280%, 许多疏散人员正前往亚特兰大。 In Georgia, traffic on I-75 has surged by 280%, with many evacuees heading toward Atlanta. 为了缓解这种情况,佐治亚州的 Peach Pass 服务正在将一些南向快速车道转换为北向,而佛罗里达州已在 I-75 和 I-4 上启动紧急路肩使用以方便疏散。 To ease this, Georgia's Peach Pass service is converting some southbound express lanes to northbound, while Florida has activated Emergency Shoulder Use on I-75 and I-4 to facilitate evacuation. 司机应对延误做好准备,并跟踪正式最新情况。 Drivers should prepare for delays and follow official updates.