埃弗吉绿色团队于12月4日至15日在圣玛丽斯, 肯塔基州为13至17岁的年轻人组织了监督鹿猎活动, Evergy Green Team organizes supervised deer hunts for youths aged 13-17 in St. Marys, KS, from Dec 4-15, focusing on wildlife conservation education.
Evergy Green 团队将于 12 月 4 日至 15 日在堪萨斯州圣玛丽斯为 13 至 17 岁的青少年组织有监督的步枪猎鹿活动。 The Evergy Green Team is organizing supervised rifle deer hunts for youths aged 13 to 17 in St. Marys, Kansas, from December 4 to 15. 该活动针对的是那些几乎没有狩猎经验或没有狩猎经验的人,要求在10月25日之前提出申请。 The event, aimed at those with little or no hunting experience, requires applications by October 25. 11月16日,参与者必须参加强制性指导,并持有鹿许可证、狩猎许可证和猎人教育证书。 Participants must attend a mandatory orientation on November 16 and have a deer permit, hunting license, and hunter education certificate. 该倡议的重点是野生生物养护教育。 The initiative focuses on wildlife conservation education.