全国律师协会第一位黑人女性首席执行官Cynt Marshall于2024年从Dallas Mavericks退休,直到2025年继续担任顾问。 NBA's first Black female CEO Cynt Marshall retires from Dallas Mavericks in 2024, continuing as consultant till 2025.
作为NBA历史上第一位黑人女首席执行官的Cynt Marshall将于2024年12月31日从达拉斯马维里克斯退役,但将继续担任顾问至2025年12月. Cynt Marshall, the first Black female CEO in NBA history, will retire from the Dallas Mavericks on December 31, 2024, but will continue as a consultant until December 2025. 自2018年任命以来,她在性骚扰丑闻之后改变了团队的工作场所文化,重点是多样性、公平和包容。 Since her 2018 appointment, she has transformed the team’s workplace culture following a sexual harassment scandal, focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion. 她的领导大大改进了马弗瑞克公司的政策,赢得了国家的承认。 Her leadership has significantly improved the Mavericks' corporate policies, earning national recognition.