64岁的David Jones在海伦飓风的混乱中走过27英里 参加了他女儿在田纳西的婚礼 64-year-old David Jones walked 27 miles through Hurricane Helene's chaos to attend his daughter's wedding in Tennessee.
64岁的David Jones 旅行27英里 参加他女儿Elizabeth在田纳西的婚礼 在海伦飓风的混乱中 David Jones, 64, traveled 27 miles to attend his daughter Elizabeth's wedding in Tennessee amid Hurricane Helene's chaos. 在南卡罗来纳州一条堵塞的汽车路线后,他继续用手机手电筒步行穿过危险条件。 After a blocked car route from South Carolina, he continued on foot through hazardous conditions using a cell phone flashlight. 琼斯得到了州警和老同事的帮助 正好赶来参加蜡烛仪式 Jones received assistance from a state trooper and an old coworker, arriving just in time for the candlelit ceremony. 作为礼物,他展示了他携带的反射安全物品,象征着对夫妇的保护。 As a gift, he presented the reflective safety item he carried, symbolizing protection for the couple.