威廉希尔因从查塔努加创意艺术中心窃取材料而被捕,使用车牌读取器识别他的车辆。 William Hill was arrested for stealing materials from Chattanooga Center for Creative Arts, using license plate reader to identify his vehicle.
William Hill因在9月两起事件中偷盗Chattanooga创意艺术中心的材料而被捕。 William Hill was arrested for stealing materials from the Chattanooga Center for Creative Arts during two incidents in September. 监控录像拍到他从学校装货码头拿走金属管道和其他物品,准备用于剧院部门的舞台建筑。 Surveillance footage captured him taking metal pipes and other items from the school's loading dock, intended for the theater department's stage construction. 他的车辆是用车牌阅读器识别的,导致他被捕。 His vehicle was identified using a license plate reader, leading to his arrest. 希尔面临两项盗窃和非法侵入罪. Hill faces two counts each of theft and criminal trespassing.