Waymo自驾汽车在旧金山与一辆电车碰撞,Y公司首席执行官参与其中。 Waymo self-driving car collides with a trolleybus in San Francisco, involving Y Combinator CEOs.
一辆 Waymo 自动驾驶汽车在旧金山与一辆无轨电车相撞,当时 Y Combinator 的一群 CEO 正在离开余兴派对。 A Waymo self-driving car collided with a trolleybus in San Francisco as a group of CEOs from Y Combinator were departing an after-party. 首席执行官们试图协助被卡住的车辆,这在网上引起了幽默的反应,特别是考虑到该活动的重点是AI技术。 The CEOs attempted to assist the stuck vehicle, which sparked humorous reactions online, especially given the event's focus on AI technology. 也突显了科技领袖协助AI汽车故障的讽刺意味。 Video of the incident has gone viral, highlighting the irony of tech leaders helping an AI car malfunction.