南朝鲜驻印度大使以文化交流和高级别访问为由,对加强与印度的关系表示乐观。 South Korean Ambassador to India expresses optimism on strengthening ties with India, citing cultural exchanges and high-level visits.
南朝鲜大使昌载博克对加强印度和南朝鲜之间的关系表示乐观,强调文化交流的作用,并暗示即将进行高级别访问。 South Korean Ambassador Chang Jae Bok expressed optimism about the strengthening ties between India and South Korea, emphasizing the role of cultural exchanges and hinting at upcoming high-level visits. 他强调了学生们在汉城日庆祝活动上的热情,并强调了在全球紧张局势下合作的重要性,特别是在西亚。 He highlighted the enthusiasm of students at Hangeul Day celebrations and stressed the importance of collaboration in light of global tensions, particularly in West Asia. 两国外交关系自1973年以来一直存在,最近讨论了贸易与技术进步问题。 Diplomatic relations between the two countries have existed since 1973, with recent discussions on trade and technology advancements.