Ibijoke Sanwo-Olu博士敦促利益攸关方合作, 解决拉各斯影响18 541名居民的肺结核危机。 Dr. Ibijoke Sanwo-Olu urges stakeholder collaboration to address Lagos' TB crisis affecting 18,541 residents.
拉各斯州州长的妻子Ibijoke Sanwo-Olu博士敦促利益攸关方之间开展协作,解决拉各斯的结核病危机,那里有18 541名居民受到影响。 Dr. Ibijoke Sanwo-Olu, wife of the Lagos State Governor, has urged collaboration among stakeholders to address the TB crisis in Lagos, where 18,541 residents are affected. 她在最近的一次活动上发言,强调需要开展提高认识运动,并强调地方政府领导人在宣传方面的作用。 Speaking at a recent event, she emphasized the need for awareness campaigns and highlighted the role of local government leaders in advocacy. 她指出,如果及早发现,结核病是可以预防、可治愈的,并宣布了诊断和治疗资源的可用性。 She noted that TB is preventable and curable if detected early, and announced the availability of resources for diagnosis and treatment.