克拉克斯维尔警方调查新泽西集团 目标是近门手机传送 Clarksville Police investigate New Jersey group targeting doorstep cell phone deliveries.
克拉克斯维尔警察局正在调查一系列从门口偷窃手机的事件, The Clarksville Police Department is investigating a spike in cell phone thefts from doorsteps, linked to an organized group from New Jersey. 据报道,该团体在交货时间和目标包到达后,立即对交付时间和目标包有更深入的了解。 This group reportedly has advance knowledge of delivery times and targets packages immediately after they arrive. 为了减少盗窃,警方建议安排包裹签名,或从指定地点取回签名。 To mitigate theft, police suggest arranging for package signatures or picking them up from designated locations. 任何有信息或视频证据的人 都会被敦促与Neal警探联系 或提交匿名提示 Anyone with information or video evidence is urged to contact Detective Neal or submit anonymous tips.