堪萨斯的复活教堂 发起一场团结运动 用无党派的标志。 The Church of the Resurrection in Kansas launches a unity campaign with non-partisan signs.
堪萨斯州莱伍德的复活教会正在发起一场媒体运动,在政治分歧中促进团结和同情。 The Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, is launching a media campaign to promote unity and compassion amid political divisions. 教会通过散发非党派的标志, 传递“爱你的邻居”和“友善”等讯息, 目的是促进在争议性问题上的对话, By distributing non-partisan signs with messages like "Love your neighbor" and "Kindness," the church aims to foster dialogue on contentious issues without alienating members. 这一倡议将教会定位为其他宗教机构的典范,以寻求绕过美国郊区不断演变的政治风景。 This initiative positions the church as a model for other religious institutions seeking to navigate suburban America's evolving political landscape.