Bigg Boss 18 参赛者 Tajinder Bagga 分享了占星家对已故旁遮普歌手 Sidhu Moosewala 的警告,要求他在被谋杀前离开印度。 Bigg Boss 18 contestant Tajinder Bagga shares astrologer's warning to late Punjabi singer Sidhu Moosewala to leave India before his murder.
在Bigg Boss 18中, 参赛者Tajinder Bagga透露, 一位占星家警告已故旁遮普歌手Sidhu Moosewala因威胁迫在眉睫而离开印度。 In Bigg Boss 18, contestant Tajinder Bagga revealed that an astrologer warned late Punjabi singer Sidhu Moosewala to leave India due to a looming threat. Moosewala在8天后被谋杀,导致最初怀疑占星学的Bagga成为信徒。 Moosewala was murdered just eight days later, which led Bagga, initially skeptical of astrology, to become a believer. Moosewala 于 2022 年 5 月去世,加剧了印度和加拿大之间的紧张局势,让参赛者和观众在处理围绕这位歌手英年早逝的悲惨消息时都感到震惊。 Moosewala's death in May 2022 heightened tensions between India and Canada, shocking contestants and viewers alike as they processed the tragic news surrounding the singer's untimely demise.