37岁的跑者史蒂芬·詹金斯在完成卡迪夫半马拉松后死亡,这标志着三年中第四次死亡。 37-year-old runner Stephen Jenkins died after finishing Cardiff Half Marathon, marking the fourth death in 3 years.
37岁的跑者Stephen Jenkins在10月6日完成卡迪夫半马拉松比赛后倒下死亡。 A 37-year-old runner, Stephen Jenkins, collapsed and died after completing the Cardiff Half Marathon on October 6th. 尽管在终点线立即得到医疗援助,并被送往威尔士大学医院,但他没有存活下来。 Despite immediate medical assistance at the finish line and transport to the University Hospital of Wales, he did not survive. 这起事件是三年来第四起死亡事件,此前的死亡人数也发生在类似情况下。 This incident marks the fourth death at the event in three years, with previous fatalities also occurring under similar circumstances. 组织者 Run 4 Wales 表示哀悼,为尊重家人的隐私,不会公布更多细节。 Organizers Run 4 Wales expressed condolences and will not release further details to respect the family's privacy.