在世卫组织东南亚地区会议上,印度卫生部长强调了该国在数字卫生方面的领导作用,包括扬·阿罗加·约亚娜和即将推出的UWIN平台等举措。 At the WHO Southeast Asia Region meeting, India's Health Minister highlighted the country's leadership in digital health, including initiatives like Jan Arogya Yojana and upcoming UWIN platform.
在世卫组织东南亚地区会议上,印度联邦卫生部长纳达(JP Nadda)强调印度在数字卫生方面的领导作用。 At the WHO Southeast Asia Region meeting, India's Union Health Minister JP Nadda emphasized the nation's leadership in digital health. 他概述了向1.2亿多家庭提供保健的Jan Arogoya Yojana和《预防和控制非传染性疾病国家方案》等关键举措。 He outlined key initiatives like the Jan Arogya Yojana, which provides health coverage to over 120 million families, and the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases. Nadda宣布即将推出UWIN免疫追踪平台, 印度承诺分享全球数字公共基础设施。 Nadda announced the upcoming UWIN platform for immunization tracking and India's commitment to share its Digital Public Infrastructure globally.