TVNZ发起了3000万新元的节省成本计划、数字增强、以及减少劳动力,以解决3000万新元的损失。 TVNZ initiates $30M cost-saving plan, digital enhancement, & workforce reduction to address $30M loss.
新西兰公共广播公司TVNZ正在启动一项战略计划,目的是通过其TVN++平台节省3 000万美元和增加数字内容。 New Zealand's public broadcaster TVNZ is initiating a strategic plan aimed at saving $30 million and enhancing digital content through its platform TVNZ+. 在此之前,就业法院上诉失败,工作人员担心可能会裁员。 This follows a failed Employment Court appeal and staff concerns over potential job cuts. 协商进程将探讨其传统渠道的必要性,并在具有挑战性的经济条件下评估变化。 A consultation process will explore the necessity of its traditional channels and assess changes amid challenging economic conditions. 在去年损失8 500万美元之后,TVNZ已经将其劳动力从2022年的737人减少到2023年的601人。 TVNZ has already reduced its workforce from 737 in 2022 to 601 in 2023, following an $85 million loss last year.