印度储备银行与马尔代夫签署了一项价值4亿美元的货币互换协议, The RBI signed a $400 million currency swap agreement with the Maldives to strengthen regional economic stability.
印度储备银行与马尔代夫货币管理局签署了4亿美元的货币互换协定,有效期至2027年6月18日,以加强区域经济稳定。 The Reserve Bank of India has signed a $400 million currency swap agreement with the Maldives Monetary Authority, valid until June 18, 2027, to enhance regional economic stability. 这笔交易是南盟货币互换框架的一部分,提供流动性支助。 This deal is part of the SAARC Currency Swap Framework, providing liquidity support. 与此同时,印度总理莫迪和马尔代夫总统穆伊祖推出鲁派卡,以便利无现金交易,并在哈尼马德胡国际机场启用了一条新跑道,以加强旅游业和经济联系。 Concurrently, Indian Prime Minister Modi and Maldivian President Muizzu launched RuPay cards to facilitate cashless transactions and inaugurated a new runway at Hanimadhoo International Airport to boost tourism and economic ties.