布坎南的利比里亚民间组织讨论了碳抵消政策,敦促政府制定一项促进透明度和利益攸关方参与的全面政策。 Liberian civil organizations in Buchanan discuss carbon offsets policy, urging the government to create a comprehensive policy for transparency and stakeholder participation.
2024年9月20日,利比里亚民间社会组织在布坎南举行会议,讨论减排碳抵消问题。 On September 20, 2024, civil society organizations in Liberia met in Buchanan to discuss carbon offsets for emissions reduction. 他们通过了一项决议,敦促政府制定全面的碳排放政策,确保透明度和各利益攸关方的参与。 They passed a resolution urging the government to create a comprehensive policy for carbon emissions, ensuring transparency and participation from various stakeholders. 要点包括承认社区对碳的所有权,制定惠益分享计划,评估碳交易的影响。 Key points included recognizing community ownership of carbon, developing a benefit-sharing scheme, and assessing carbon trading impacts. 会议由可持续发展研究所和社区倡议基金会组织。 The meeting was organized by the Sustainable Development Institute and the Foundation for Community Initiatives.