Liam Payne的前未婚妻Maya Henry 指控他执着地与她的分手后联系。 Liam Payne's ex-fiancée, Maya Henry, accuses him of obsessively contacting her post-breakup.
自2022年分手以来, Liam Payne的前未婚妻Maya Henry指控他通过多个电话号码和iClod账户与她断绝联系。 Maya Henry, Liam Payne's ex-fiancée, has accused him of obsessively contacting her via multiple phone numbers and iCloud accounts since their 2022 breakup. 在TikTok的影片中,她批评他指称的操纵粉丝的行为,并声称他相信无论他的行动如何,他们都会支持他。 In a TikTok video, she criticized his alleged manipulation of fans and claimed he believes they will support him regardless of his actions. 因佩恩的行为而面临强烈反对的亨利断言他的行为“令人作呕”,而佩恩尚未公开回应她的指控。 Henry, who has faced backlash related to Payne's behavior, asserts that his actions are "disgusting," while Payne has not publicly addressed her allegations.