49岁的莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥和26岁的模特维托利亚·塞雷蒂据说在罗马与父母共进晚餐, 49-year-old Leonardo DiCaprio and 26-year-old model Vittoria Ceretti reportedly deepen relationship, dining with parents in Rome.
据报告,49岁的Leonardo DiCaprio和26岁的Vittoria Ceretti模型正在加深他们的关系,最近他们与父母在罗马共进晚餐。 Leonardo DiCaprio, 49, and 26-year-old model Vittoria Ceretti are reportedly deepening their relationship, recently dining with their parents in Rome. 他们在Pierluigi享受盛大餐,包括27 455美元的酒瓶。 They enjoyed an upscale meal at Pierluigi, including a $27,455 bottle of wine. 虽然他们的浪漫关系尚未正式确认,但他们频繁的外出和共同的时刻表明存在着严重的联系。 While their romance has not been officially confirmed, their frequent outings and shared moments suggest a serious connection. 据报告,这对夫妇于2023年5月在坎恩电影节相遇,自11月以来一直排他。 The couple reportedly met at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2023 and have been exclusive since November.