21岁 在威斯康辛州奥什科什因致命的肇事逃逸而被捕 导致行人死亡 21-year-old arrested for fatal hit-and-run in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, leaving pedestrian dead.
一名21岁的男子于10月5日在威斯康辛的奥什科什因与致命的肇事逃逸事件有关而被捕。 A 21-year-old man was arrested in connection with a fatal hit-and-run in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, on October 5. 事件发生于上午3时左右,地点在纽约大道和Gross法院,一名行人在现场死亡。 The incident occurred around 3 a.m. at New York Avenue and Gross Court, leaving a pedestrian dead at the scene. 警察相信可疑车辆从国会大道大桥向西逃去 Police believe the suspect vehicle fled west over the Congress Avenue Bridge. 当局敦促居民检查午夜至凌晨3时的监控摄像头,并打电话(920)236-5700,以分享任何信息。 Authorities are urging residents to check security cameras for footage between midnight and 3 a.m. and to share any information by calling (920) 236-5700.