勇士队以91-90战胜快船队, 展示了强大的防守. Warriors won 91-90 against Clippers in preseason opener, showcasing strong defense.
勇士队在季前赛的首场比赛中以91比90击败了快船队,展示了强大的防守,迫使21次投篮,并产生了22个快速破门点. The Warriors defeated the Clippers 91-90 in their preseason opener, showcasing a strong defense that forced 21 turnovers and generated 22 fast-break points. 首席教练Steve Kerr指出,正在对启动队列进行评估,并可能在正常季节前改变。 Head coach Steve Kerr noted that the starting lineup is still being evaluated and may change by the regular season. Rookie Jordan Poole在13分钟内领先12分,突显了他对团队的潜在影响,因为他们在整个赛前探究各种组合。 Rookie Jordan Poole excelled with 12 points in 13 minutes, highlighting his potential impact on the team as they explore various lineup combinations throughout the preseason.