2023年,联合王国报告发生106 524起车辆盗窃事件,涉及多类车辆。 106,524 vehicle thefts reported in the UK in 2023, affecting multiple vehicle types.
2023 年,英国驾驶员和车辆执照局报告了 106,524 起车辆盗窃案,强调没有一种车辆类型能够幸免,包括灵车、消防车和混凝土搅拌机。 In 2023, the UK's Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency reported 106,524 vehicle thefts, highlighting that no vehicle type is immune, including hearses, fire engines, and concrete mixers. 最常被盗的车辆是五门掀背车,其次是旅行车和摩托车。 The most commonly stolen vehicle was the five-door hatchback, followed by estate cars and motorbikes. RAC基金会主任Steve Gooding敦促车主加强安全,以吓阻小偷,因为被盗车辆助长了保险费的上涨。 RAC Foundation director Steve Gooding urged vehicle owners to enhance security to deter thieves, as stolen vehicles contribute to rising insurance premiums.