南加州大学后卫埃里克·金特里 (Eric Gentry) 因伤缺席比赛,新生斯蒂芬斯和纽比取代了他。 USC linebacker Eric Gentry misses game due to injury, freshmen Stephens and Newby to replace him.
南加州大学后卫埃里克·金特里 (Eric Gentry) 将因伤缺席即将对阵明尼苏达队的比赛,这会影响特洛伊人的防守阵容。 USC linebacker Eric Gentry will miss the upcoming game against Minnesota due to an injury, impacting the Trojans' defensive lineup. 尽管林肯·莱利教练缺席,但他仍然对团队的游戏计划有信心,该计划基本上保持不变。 Despite his absence, coach Lincoln Riley remains confident in the team's game plan, which will largely stay the same. 新生Desman Stephens II 和Elijah Newby 将填补。 Freshmen Desman Stephens II and Elijah Newby are expected to fill in. 与此同时,安全员 Akili Arnold 和接球手 Makai Lemon 正在伤愈复出,增强了球队的阵容。 Meanwhile, safety Akili Arnold and receiver Makai Lemon are returning from injuries, boosting the team's roster.