拨款7 000万欧元,用于北爱尔兰和边境县的8个保健和社会护理项目,根据和平促进方案解决保健不平等问题。 €70m allocated to 8 health and social care projects in Northern Ireland and border counties to address health inequalities under PeacePlus program.
为北爱尔兰和爱尔兰边境县的8个保健和社会保健项目拨款7 000多万欧元,以解决保健不平等问题。 Over €70 million has been allocated to eight health and social care projects in Northern Ireland and border counties in Ireland to address health inequalities. 由欧盟特别方案机构在和平促进方案下管理,供资对象是肥胖症、老年病护理和心理健康等问题。 Managed by the Special EU Programmes Body under the PeacePlus program, the funding targets issues like obesity, geriatric care, and mental health. 该倡议旨在通过改善获得基本服务的机会,促进欧盟、联合王国和爱尔兰政府之间的跨界合作,使多达80 000人受益。 The initiative aims to benefit up to 80,000 people by improving access to essential services, fostering cross-border collaboration among the EU, UK, and Irish governments.