51 岁男子在新贝德福德被刺身亡,嫌疑人安吉尔·阿韦利诺 (Angel Avelino) 被指控犯有谋杀罪。 51-year-old man fatally stabbed in New Bedford, suspect Angel Avelino charged with murder.
10 月 3 日,一名 51 岁的男子在新贝德福德被刺身亡,来自林恩的 32 岁的安吉尔·阿维利诺 (Angel Avelino) 被指控犯有谋杀罪。 A 51-year-old man was fatally stabbed in New Bedford on October 3, with Angel Avelino, 32, from Lynn, charged with murder. 这起事件与个人纠纷有关,发生在Acushnet大道,受害人在圣卢克医院被宣布死亡。 The incident, linked to a personal dispute, occurred on Acushnet Avenue, and the victim was pronounced dead at St. Luke’s Hospital. 市长Jon Mitchell向居民保证,没有持续的安全威胁,并向受害者家属表示慰问。 Mayor Jon Mitchell reassured residents that there is no ongoing safety threat and expressed condolences to the victim's family. Avelino定于星期一出庭传讯。 Avelino is set to be arraigned in court on Monday.