41岁的Lonny Smith因试图与假扮未成年人从事性活动的卧底侦探见面而在Ledyard被捕,他面临二度性攻击未遂的指控。 41-year-old Lonny Smith arrested in Ledyard, CT for attempting to meet undercover detective posing as a minor for sexual activities, faces charges of attempted second-degree sexual assault.
Lonny Smith, 41岁,来自康涅狄格州Ledyard的41岁男子,因试图会见假扮未成年人从事性活动的便衣侦探而被捕。 Lonny Smith, a 41-year-old man from Ledyard, Connecticut, was arrested for attempting to meet an undercover detective posing as a minor for sexual activities. 这一行动由哈特福德警察特别调查司和海军刑事调查处进行,Smith在会前发送了清晰的图像。 The operation, conducted by the Hartford Police Special Investigations Division and the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, involved Smith sending explicit images prior to the meeting. 他面临二级性侵犯未遂和相关罪行的指控,保释金为 750,000 美元。 He faces charges of attempted second-degree sexual assault and related offenses, with a bond set at $750,000.