19岁的伊利诺伊州男子声称在树林中向大脚怪开枪,在听到奇怪的尖叫声后开枪150发子弹。 19-year-old Illinois man claims to have shot at Bigfoot in the woods, firing over 150 rounds after hearing a strange scream.
一名19岁的伊利诺伊州男子声称在森林里走路时向一只大脚动物开枪. An Illinois man, 19, claims to have shot at a Bigfoot while walking in the woods. 在听到奇怪的尖叫声和受到威胁的感觉后,他逃到自己的小木屋,朝他所认为的追逐动物发射了150多发子弹。 After hearing a strange scream and feeling threatened, he fled to his cabin, firing over 150 rounds toward what he perceived as a pursuing creature. 第二天,他发现了有子弹标记的树 以及一个生物的藏身之处 The next day, he discovered bullet-marked trees and what seemed to be a creature's hiding spot. 他报告说,那天晚上他感到极度恐惧,并询问他回家后的情况。 He reported feeling intense fear that night and questioned what had followed him home.