旧金山的黑人女性市长,伦敦布里德, 面对无家可归和公共安全问题, 继续竞选连任。 San Francisco's Black female Mayor, London Breed, pursues re-election amidst homelessness and public safety concerns.
旧金山第一位黑人女市长伦敦·布里德 (London Breed) 正在寻求在 11 月 5 日连任,面临包括前临时市长马克·法雷尔 (Mark Farrell) 在内的四名民主党挑战者。 San Francisco's first Black female mayor, London Breed, is seeking re-election on November 5, facing four Democratic challengers, including former interim Mayor Mark Farrell. 批评者声称她的政府未能解决无家可归和毒品问题,而Breed则说,她在COVID-19挑战中奠定了坚实的基础。 Critics claim her administration has failed to tackle homelessness and drug issues, while Breed argues she has laid a strong foundation amid COVID-19 challenges. 选举是在公共安全关切加剧的情况下举行的,反映了关于犯罪和治理的全国辩论。 The election occurs amidst heightened public safety concerns, reflecting a national debate on crime and governance.