23名共和党候选人质疑Joe Biden在2024年选举前的2020年选举胜利。 23 Republican candidates challenge Joe Biden's 2020 election victory ahead of 2024 elections.
在2024年选举前,23名共和党州长,州选举主任或美国参议院候选人正在争夺乔·拜登2020年选举胜利. In the lead-up to the 2024 elections, 23 Republican candidates for governor, state elections chief, or U.S. Senate are disputing Joe Biden's 2020 election victory. 值得注意的数字包括Mark Robinson(NC)、Kari湖(AZ)和Ted Cruz(TX)。 Notable figures include Mark Robinson (NC), Kari Lake (AZ), and Ted Cruz (TX). 他们的立场反映了前总统特朗普在党内选举舞弊投诉的持续影响。 Their positions reflect the ongoing influence of former President Trump's election fraud claims within the party. 这些候选人的作用很重要,因为它们影响投票条例和核证选举结果。 These candidates' roles are significant as they influence voting regulations and certify election results.