在2023年第三季度,Thrive Wealth Management LLC将其在ServiceNow的股份减少了5.9%. In Q3 2023, Thrive Wealth Management LLC reduced its stake in ServiceNow by 5.9%.
富裕财富管理有限公司在2023年第三季度将其在ServiceNow, Inc.的股权减少了5.9%,现在在出售25股后持有398股股票. Thrive Wealth Management LLC reduced its stake in ServiceNow, Inc. by 5.9% in Q3 2023, now holding 398 shares after selling 25. Service Now的季度收入超过预期,报告收入26.3亿美元,EPS为3.13美元。 ServiceNow's quarterly earnings exceeded expectations, reporting $2.63 billion in revenue and $3.13 EPS. 分析家通常将库存评为“机动购买”,目标价格为855.44美元。 Analysts generally rate the stock as a "Moderate Buy" with a target price of $855.44. 其他投资者增加了其职位,而包括首席财务官在内的管理人员则出售股票。 Other investors have increased their positions, while executives, including the CFO, have sold shares.