威尔士警方调查从纪念馆偷走四个花篮, 发布CCTV图像以求帮助. New Quay, Wales police investigate theft of four floral baskets from Memorial Hall, release CCTV images for help.
威尔士新码头警方正在调查 7 月 14 日晚上 11 点 30 分左右从纪念馆盗窃四个花卉吊篮的事件。 Police in New Quay, Wales, are investigating the theft of four floral hanging baskets from the Memorial Hall, which occurred at approximately 11:30 PM on July 14. 迪夫德-波威斯警方已发布CCTV图像以帮助识别嫌疑人, 并呼吁公众协助. After exhausting other leads, Dyfed-Powys Police have released CCTV images to help identify the suspect and are appealing for public assistance. 任何掌握信息的人都可与警方联系,或向Crimestoppers提交匿名提示,参考案件编号24*618485。 Anyone with information can contact the police or submit anonymous tips to Crimestoppers, referencing case number 24*618485.