在蒙大拿的麦克马斯特山寻找失踪的成年骑马女骑手;涉及多县空中支援。 Missing adult female horseback rider searched for in McMaster Hills, Montana; multi-county, aerial support involved.
目前正在寻找蒙大拿州圣赫勒拿东北的麦克马斯特山娱乐区失踪的成年骑马女骑手。 A search is ongoing for a missing adult female horseback rider in the McMaster Hills Recreation Area, northeast of Helena, Montana. 来自刘易斯州、克拉克州和杰斐逊州的小组正在进行地面搜查,由无人驾驶飞机和一架来自大瀑布州的直升机提供支助。 Teams from Lewis and Clark and Jefferson counties are conducting ground searches, supported by drones and a helicopter from Great Falls. 当局将全天都在这一地区活动。 Authorities will remain active in the area throughout the day. 鼓励有信息或希望提供帮助的任何人打电话406-219-7380。 Anyone with information or wishing to help is encouraged to call 406-219-7380. 以后将进一步更新现有资料。 Further updates will follow as available.