地方当局和社区成员呼吁在基切纳大河采取安全措施,但进展仍然停滞不前。 Local authorities and community members call for safety measures on Kitchener Grand River, but progress remains stalled.
基切纳大河沿线对安全问题的关切已促使人们呼吁采取行动,但进展仍然停滞不前。 Concerns over safety along the Kitchener Grand River have prompted calls for action, but progress remains stalled. 地方当局和社区成员正在倡导加强该地区安全的措施,但尚未执行任何明确计划。 Local authorities and community members are advocating for measures to enhance safety in the area, yet no definitive plans have been implemented. 这一情况突出表明,由于居民等待官员提供最新消息和行动,目前仍需要有效解决办法来解决河沿岸的安全问题。 The situation highlights the ongoing need for effective solutions to address safety issues along the river, as residents await updates and actions from officials.