都柏林8行动:警察缴获280万欧元的海洛因,用于打击贩毒活动的武器。 Dublin 8 operation: Gardaí seize €280k heroin, weapons in anti-drug trafficking effort.
爱尔兰国家警察部队在都柏林的一次大规模行动中, 查获了约2公斤的价值28万欧元的可疑海洛因和各种攻击性武器. The Gardaí, Ireland's national police force, seized about two kilograms of suspected heroin valued at €280,000 and various offensive weapons during a major operation in Dublin 8. 这项行动得到多个专门单位的支持,旨在打击贩毒和确保公共安全。 The operation, supported by multiple specialized units, aimed to combat drug trafficking and ensure public safety. 没有逮捕任何人,随着调查的继续,爱尔兰法医科学将对这些药物进行分析。 No arrests were made, and the drugs will undergo analysis by Forensic Science Ireland as investigations continue.