30年美国农业部与瓦努阿图大学在可持续农业方面的合作始于夏洛特的北欧农场。 30-year USDA-UVM collaboration on sustainable agriculture starts at Nordic Farm in Charlotte.
农业部和佛蒙特大学建立了为期30年的合作,在夏洛特北欧农场研究可持续农业。 The USDA and the University of Vermont have established a 30-year collaboration to research sustainable agriculture at Nordic Farm in Charlotte. 该农场最近被 Kaspar Meier 和 Benjamin Dobson 收购,提供充足的牧场,靠近 UVM 的校园。 Recently acquired by Kaspar Meier and Benjamin Dobson, the farm offers ample grazing land and is near UVM's campus. 该倡议旨在加强粮食生产系统,解决农业的可持续性和社会公正问题,预计将在明年春天开始研究。 The initiative aims to enhance food production systems and address sustainability and social justice in agriculture, with research expected to start next spring.