42岁的英国高尔夫运动员David Skinns将桑德斯顿农场冠军赛的成绩纪录定在12分60以下,领先三次。 42-year-old English golfer David Skinns sets Sanderson Farms Championship course record with 12-under par 60, leads by three strokes.
戴维·斯金斯,一位42岁的英国高尔夫球手,在桑德森农场锦标赛中打破了场地纪录,在第一轮比赛后以12下60杆领先比赛. David Skinns, a 42-year-old English golfer, broke the course record at the Sanderson Farms Championship with a 12-under par 60, leading the tournament after the first round. 尽管险些错过了一个 9 英尺的推杆,这可能会给他带来罕见的 59 杆,但他仍然领先迈克尔·索布约恩森 3 杆。 Despite narrowly missing a 9-foot putt that could have given him a rare 59, he maintained a three-stroke lead over Michael Thorbjornsen. Skinns的表现至关重要,因为他的目标是在明年获得全套PGA旅行卡。 Skinns' performance is pivotal as he aims to secure a full PGA Tour card for next year.