美国DOT澄清的民用无人驾驶飞机飞行员可以经适当授权协助海伦飓风救援工作。 The US DOT clarified civilian drone pilots can assist in Hurricane Helene rescue efforts with proper authorization.
美国交通部澄清说,允许民用无人驾驶飞机飞行员在海伦飓风后协助救援和复原工作,扭转先前引发在线反弹的警告。 The U.S. Department of Transportation clarified that civilian drone pilots are allowed to assist in rescue and recovery efforts following Hurricane Helene, reversing earlier warnings that prompted online backlash. 以往的临时飞行限制已经解除,民航局确认无人驾驶飞机经适当授权可在灾区作业。 Previous temporary flight restrictions have been lifted, and the FAA confirmed that drones can operate in disaster zones with proper authorization. 对搜寻工作的潜在影响以及对拜登行政当局对飓风的反应的批评引起了关注。 Concerns arose over the potential impact on search efforts and criticism of the Biden administration's response to the hurricane.