美国国际医学会的研究发现眼酸是一种类似多巴胺的神经递质,可逆转帕金森病小鼠模型的运动障碍,并有可能推进治疗选择. UCI study identifies ophthalmic acid as a neurotransmitter like dopamine, reversing Parkinson's mouse model movement impairments and potentially advancing treatment options.
加州大学欧文分校的一项研究发现,眼酸是一种类似于多巴胺的神经递质,可能为帕金森氏症和其他运动障碍提供新的治疗途径。 A study from the University of California, Irvine, has identified ophthalmic acid as a neurotransmitter akin to dopamine, potentially offering new treatment avenues for Parkinson's and other movement disorders. 研究表明,眼药酸激活脑部的钙感应受体,扭转帕金森鼠标模型的运动缺陷超过20小时。 The research demonstrated that ophthalmic acid activates calcium-sensing receptors in the brain, reversing movement impairments in Parkinson's mouse models for over 20 hours. 这挑战了一种长期持有的信念,即多巴胺只管制运动功能。 This challenges the long-held belief that dopamine solely regulates motor function.