纽约议员Eddie Gibbs 在东哈林因干扰纽约警局的交通站被捕 New York Assemblyman Eddie Gibbs was arrested in East Harlem for interfering with a NYPD traffic stop.
据称,纽约议员Eddie Gibbs在东哈莱姆州因干扰纽约警察局的交通站而被捕。 New York Assemblyman Eddie Gibbs was arrested in East Harlem after allegedly interfering with a traffic stop conducted by the NYPD. 尽管警察命令退后,但Gibbs接近车辆,指示司机离开。 Despite police orders to step back, Gibbs approached the vehicle and instructed the driver to exit. 他后来承认,他的行动妨碍了调查,并承担了逮捕他的责任。 He later admitted his actions hindered the investigation and accepted responsibility for his arrest. 虽然具体指控仍不明确,但Gibbs强调尊重警察程序的重要性。 While the specific charges remain unclear, Gibbs emphasized the importance of respecting police procedures.