在恐龙灭绝后,6 600万年的蚂蚁从事农业,种植真菌作为食物。 66-million-year-old ants practiced agriculture after dinosaur extinction, cultivating fungi for food.
《科学》杂志的一项研究表明,蚂蚁在6600万年前开始从事农业活动,此前小行星撞击导致恐龙灭绝。 A study in the journal Science reveals that ants began practicing agriculture 66 million years ago, following an asteroid impact that caused the extinction of dinosaurs. 这场活动为真菌创造了有利条件,蚂蚁开始将真菌种植为食物来源。 This event created favorable conditions for fungi, which ants began to cultivate as a food source. 随着时间的推移,蚂蚁改良了耕作技术,特别是大约2 700万年前。 Over time, ants refined their farming techniques, particularly around 27 million years ago. 该研究提供了对蚂蚁和真菌之间进化伙伴关系的见解,这明显早于人类农业。 The research provides insights into the evolutionary partnership between ants and fungi, predating human agriculture significantly.