1 770万个假手机连接断开, 450万个假电话在印度被封锁。 17.7 million fake mobile connections disconnected, 4.5 million spoofed calls blocked in India.
印度政府已切断了1 770万个与伪造文件相连的移动连接,并阻断了450万个国际电话。 India's government has disconnected 17.7 million mobile connections linked to fake documents and blocked 4.5 million spoofed international calls. 电信部正在实施一个分两阶段的系统,以查明和防止这些欺诈电话,预计不久将有一个中央系统。 The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) is implementing a two-phase system to identify and prevent these fraudulent calls, with a centralized system expected soon. 鼓励公民举报可疑通信,以协助打击网络犯罪和金融欺诈。 Citizens are encouraged to report suspicious communications to aid in combating cybercrime and financial fraud.