Melania Trump的回忆录显示她支持堕胎权, Melania Trump's memoir reveals support for abortion rights, contrasting with her husband and GOP's stance.
Melania Trump在即将发表的回忆录中表示支持堕胎权,指出终止妊娠的决定应在妇女与其医生之间作出,不受政府干预。 In her forthcoming memoir, Melania Trump expresses support for abortion rights, stating that decisions about terminating a pregnancy should be made between a woman and her doctor, free from government interference. 这一立场与她的丈夫唐纳德·特朗普和共和党的反堕胎纲领形成鲜明对比。 This stance contrasts sharply with her husband Donald Trump and the Republican Party's anti-abortion platform. Melania的观点强调妇女的自主权,可能会在政府内部造成分歧,特别是鉴于即将举行总统选举。 Melania's views, which emphasize women's autonomy, may create rifts within the GOP, especially given the upcoming presidential election.