A4A质疑宇航科学院通过限制都柏林机场乘客人数,违反美国-欧盟《开放天空协定》的行为。 A4A challenges IAA's violation of US-EU Open Skies Agreement by capping Dublin Airport passenger numbers.
美国航空公司(A4A)加入了对爱尔兰航空管理局的法律挑战,声称该航空公司违反美国-欧盟《开放天空协定》,今年冬季在都柏林机场限制乘客人数。 Airlines for America (A4A) has joined a legal challenge against the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA), claiming it violated the US-EU Open Skies Agreement by capping passenger numbers at Dublin Airport this winter. 根据IAA的限制,与2号航站楼建设有关的2007年条件有关. The IAA's limit is tied to a 2007 condition related to Terminal 2's construction. A4A认为,这一限制破坏了有竞争力的航空服务,并可能对美国航空公司和爱尔兰经济产生负面影响。 A4A argues this restriction undermines competitive air services and has potential negative impacts on US airlines and the Irish economy. 案件将于12月3日审理。 The case will be heard on December 3.