拥有 71 年历史的 Sam Levitz Furniture 是图森的主打产品,永久关闭了剩余的两家商店,并于 10 月 3 日开始清算销售。 71-year-old Sam Levitz Furniture, a Tucson staple, permanently closes its two remaining stores, starting liquidation sales on Oct 3.
Sam Levitz Furniture 是图森 71 年的主打产品,将永久关闭其剩余的两家商店,并从 10 月 3 日开始进行清算销售。 Sam Levitz Furniture, a Tucson staple for 71 years, is permanently closing its two remaining stores, with liquidation sales starting October 3. 公司将在Tempur-Pedic和Sealy等品牌上提供高达65%的折扣. Founded in 1953, the family-owned business will discount inventory by up to 65% on brands like Tempur-Pedic and Sealy. 业主Sam R. Levitz对公司的关闭表示了不同的感受,他反思了公司的传统和客户关系. Owner Sam R. Levitz expressed mixed feelings about the closure, reflecting on the company's legacy and customer relationships. 这家商店以前于今年早些时候关闭了Prince Road的地址。 The store previously closed its Prince Road location earlier this year.