南非eThekwini区的3名与勒索和谋杀有关的嫌疑人在警察枪战中丧生。 3 suspects linked to extortion and murder in South Africa's eThekwini district were killed in police shootouts.
与南非eThekwini区的勒索和谋杀有关的三名嫌疑人在KwaZulu-Natal与警察分别交火时被杀。 Three suspects linked to extortion and murder in South Africa's eThekwini district were killed in separate shootouts with police in KwaZulu-Natal. 其中一人在伊南达被枪杀,另外两人在向军官开枪后在Mariannhill的一个藏身处被杀。 One was shot in Inanda, while two were killed at a hideout in Mariannhill after firing at officers. 这些事件是更广泛打击勒索的一部分,自4月以来有50多名嫌疑人在警察对抗中丧生。 The incidents are part of a broader crackdown on extortion, with over 50 suspects killed in police confrontations since April. 当局正在测试缴获的枪支与其他犯罪的联系。 Authorities are testing recovered firearms for connections to other crimes.