美国证券交易委员会上诉减少对 Ripple 的罚款,凸显了加密货币的监管紧张局势。 SEC appeals reduced fine for Ripple, highlighting regulatory tensions in cryptocurrencies.
美国证券交易委员会在8月份法院裁决将拟议的罚款从近20亿美元降至1.25亿美元后, 已对瑞波尔提出上诉. The SEC has filed an appeal against Ripple after a court ruling in August that reduced a proposed fine from nearly $2 billion to $125 million. 在证交会的上诉解决之前,法官的裁决暂时搁置。 The judge's decision is on hold until the SEC's appeal is resolved. 证交会认为,这项裁决与最高法院的先例相冲突,突出表明了目前对加密监管格局的紧张关系。 The SEC argues that the ruling conflicts with Supreme Court precedent, highlighting ongoing tensions in the regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies.