卡塔尔埃米尔指责以色列在该区域实施集体种族灭绝,加深了人们对冲突对平民的影响的关切。 Qatar's Emir accuses Israel of perpetrating collective genocide in the region, amplifying concerns over conflict's impact on civilians.
卡塔尔的阿米尔将该地区的局势描述为"集体种族灭绝", Qatar's Emir has described the situation in the region as a "collective genocide," specifically accusing Israel of perpetrating these actions. 他的发言强调了目前影响该地区的紧张局势和暴力,强调了人道主义危机的严重性。 His remarks highlight the ongoing tensions and violence affecting the area, emphasizing the severity of the humanitarian crisis. 该声明反映了国际社会对冲突对平民的影响日益关切。 The statement reflects growing international concerns about the impact of the conflict on civilian populations.