Ping保险达到52周的最高额14.65美元,报告为0.58 EPS和38.42B收入。 Ping An Insurance reached a 52-week high of $14.65, reporting $0.58 EPS and $38.42B revenue.
中国Ping An Insurance (Group) Corporation of China, 创了52周的高价14.65美元,高于13.00美元。 Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China hit a 52-week high of $14.65, up from $13.00. 该公司的市场上限为1 331.7亿美元,报告的收益为每股0.58美元,收入为384.2亿美元。 The company has a market cap of $133.17 billion and reported earnings of $0.58 per share with revenues of $38.42 billion. 它的债务与股本比率为0.65,并宣布于10月28日向截至9月5日记录的股东支付0.215的红利。 It has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.65 and announced a dividend of $0.215, payable on October 28 to shareholders recorded by September 5. 平安在包括保险和银行业在内的各种金融部门开展业务。 Ping An operates in various financial sectors, including insurance and banking.