卢迪亚纳警方在旁遮普逮捕了两名男子,他们涉嫌使用假车牌经营豪华车骗局。 Ludhiana police arrest two men for operating luxury car scam with fake registration plates in Punjab.
Ludhiana警察逮捕了两名男子,Arshdeep Singh和Amarjit Singh,据称他们经营豪华汽车骗局,出售有假牌照的车辆。 Ludhiana Police have arrested two men, Arshdeep Singh and Amarjit Singh, for allegedly running a luxury car scam involving the sale of vehicles with fake registration plates. 他们没有适当的无异议证书就从其他州购买汽车,更换原牌照,并伪造文件在旁遮普出售这些汽车,每人获利多达4拉赫卢比。 They obtained cars from other states without proper no-objection certificates, replaced original plates, and forged documents to sell them in Punjab, profiting up to Rs 4 lakh each. 找到五辆豪华轿车 发现Arshdeep有假警察身份证 Five luxury cars were recovered, and Arshdeep was found with a fake police ID. 调查仍在继续。 An investigation continues.