爱尔兰在莱恩斯特山举行了一次大型飞机坠毁模拟演习,涉及多个应急服务和150名人员。 Ireland held a large-scale plane crash simulation exercise on Mount Leinster, involving multiple emergency services and 150 personnel.
爱尔兰的应急服务机构在莱恩斯特山上进行了大规模飞机坠毁模拟,来自Carlo、Waterford、Wexford和Kilkenny的150名人员参加了模拟。 Emergency services in Ireland conducted a large-scale plane crash simulation on Mount Leinster, involving 150 personnel from Carlow, Waterford, Wexford, and Kilkenny. 演习包括60英尺的机身,实弹,演员扮演受伤的乘客. The drill featured a 60-foot fuselage, live fire, and actors portraying injured passengers. 其目标是评价东南区域应急小组的机构间反应和准备情况,强调在规划和培训三年后进行合作和有效分享资源。 Its goal was to evaluate the interagency response and preparedness of South-East Region emergency teams, emphasizing cooperation and effective resource sharing following three years of planning and training.