前总统特朗普的自动化功能向一名印度用户发送消息进行投票,引发了病毒式的反应。 Former President Trump's automation messaged an Indian user to vote, sparking a viral response.
前总统唐纳德·特朗普的账户自动留言敦促印度用户投票支持他, An automated message from former President Donald Trump's account, urging an Indian user to vote for him, sparked a humorous response that went viral. 受奖者罗山雷(Roshan Rai)回答说,特朗普绝不会当总统,强调他的印度国籍。 The recipient, Roshan Rai, replied that Trump would never be his president, emphasizing his Indian nationality. 这起事件展示了特朗普社交媒体运动的影响力, 并提出了针对国际受众的问题, 同时也突显了全球参与美国选举的情况。 This incident showcases the reach of Trump's social media campaign and raises questions about targeting international audiences, while also highlighting global engagement in U.S. elections.